Kneat Knit App

Kneat Knit App

Winter is coming…time to get cozy!

Working in Processing, we developed a little application that gives you the ability to turn any image into a knitted sweater.

Using the controlP5 library, Kneat Knit lets you control the level of abstraction you get depending on the size of the stitch. We also built in some warping and stretching to further give the final image that itchy sweater appearance. The app will allow you to save your knit setting as a text file and the final image as a PNG file with an alpha channel.

Sometimes, good things come out of being too cold to go outside – just such a day is what led to the creation of this tool.

Try it out on your next chilly day at

OSX | Win x64 | Win x86

*Chrome might detect these files as a virus due to java content but rest assured these files are not infected.

** For new OSX 10.9 users – by default the security setting will not allow you to run any downloaded app that is not published by Apple. You can change that under System Preferences – Security & Privacy – Allow apps downloaded from – Anywhere.


Kneat Knit AppKneat Knit AppKneat Knit AppKneat Knit App