Guidebook for Pharmacists on Diabetes Management

Guidebook for Pharmacists on Diabetes Management

Working with Dr. Lori MacCallum at the University of Toronto’s Banting & Best Diabetes Centre, we designed the look, feel and content structure for this tool to improve the knowledge and confidence of pharmacists in caring for diabetes patients.

Collaborating with content contributors, we developed the information architecture of the Guidebook to be comprehensive, easy to use and tailored to the needs of pharmacists in the direct role they play in their patients’ health. Content was continuously evaluated throughout development for relevance, ease-of-use and completeness.

The Guidebook is divided into three sections: Glycemia, Cardiovascular Protection and Lifestyle. Each of these sections is colour-coded, to make it easy to thumb through to a given section in the context of a busy community pharmacy. Each section is also consistently organized under the structure of: What Are the Goals? How Do We Reach the Goals? How Do I Educate My Patient?

Involving the end-user, the community pharmacist, in the development process and understanding the context in which it would be used helped us to develop a look and feel for the Guidebook that is not only beautiful, but highly functional as well.

Guidebook for Pharmacists on Diabetes Management

Guidebook for Pharmacists on Diabetes Management

Guidebook for Pharmacists on Diabetes Management

Guidebook for Pharmacists on Diabetes Management

Guidebook for Pharmacists on Diabetes Management

Guidebook for Pharmacists on Diabetes Management

Guidebook for Pharmacists on Diabetes Management

Guidebook for Pharmacists on Diabetes Management

Guidebook for Pharmacists on Diabetes Management

Guidebook for Pharmacists on Diabetes Management

Guidebook for Pharmacists on Diabetes Management

Guidebook for Pharmacists on Diabetes Management

Guidebook for Pharmacists on Diabetes Management